Bill Boldt
Pastor Bill has been serving at Southern Heights since March of 2013. His wife of 52 years, Diane, has been his helpmate through 40 years of ministry. They have four children and eleven grandchildren. Pastor Bill has served four churches in Central Kentucky and was a Director of Missions for the Bracken Association in northeastern Kentucky for six years. Prior to moving to Kentucky in 1991, he pioneered two churches in Racine, Wisconsin and, from 1981-85, he and Diane were the directors of the Haven of Rest Children’s Home in Anderson, South Carolina. Pastor Bill attended Anderson College in South Carolina and is a graduate of Georgetown College in Kentucky and attended Southern Seminary. He is excited to be on staff at Southern Heights where God is at work doing some amazing things for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
MAria Lester
Music Minister
Maria was called as our Minister of Music in May 2019. She is a Lexington native and holds degrees from Georgetown College and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She has served in central Kentucky churches more than 20 years, including 10 years at Versailles Baptist. She is a passionate choral conductor who loves Jesus and loves people.
Maria works full time for Associations International as the Accreditation Coordinator for the International Coach Federation. Maria also sings with the Lexington Singers and gives private voice lessons. She loves to sing (for ANYONE!) and also loves walking, swimming, drama, and roller coasters! Most of all, Maria loves the Lord, and endeavors to serve Him in every aspect of her life. She is excited to serve at Southern Heights!
kevin wesley
Youth Minister
Kevin Wesley has been involved with the youth at SHBC since 2017. To Kevin, it is the greatest honor to help these kids grow in their relationship with the Lord. When he started visiting SHBC many years ago, Kevin knew that God had a plan for him to serve in the church. Youth group has always been a program that is dear to Kevin’s heart. His life was completely changed due to his youth group and he loved participating in youth events, so he wants to bring all of the joy a youth group can offer to the youth at SHBC. Outside of church, Kevin works as a project manager at BACK Construction in Lexington. He has a beautiful family including his wife Cierra, son Easton, and daughter Coraline. Kevin loves spending time with his family and enjoying the outdoors.
Fred Wisener
Youth Minister
Fred has been attending SHBC for as long as he can remember. To Fred, it has been a blessing to grow up in such an awesome church and to able to serve as a youth leader. Fred felt the call to serve in Youth Ministry in 2017. He loves getting to see the youth grow their relationship with Christ every day. He is currently a student at The University of The Cumberlands, studying Applied Science with an emphasis in Missions and Ministry. Fred looks forward to seeing what God has planned for SHBC and its Youth Ministry. (Jeremiah 29:11)