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mystery island VBS 2021
July 28 - 30 (Wednesday-Friday) 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Family Picnic, July 31 (Saturday) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Kids and Youth (Preschool - 12th Grade)
Even Adult classes!
Is there just one God? . . . Who is God? . . . What is God like? . . . Does God love me? . . . Can I know God?
Our kids grapple with questions like these every day. At Mystery Island, we’ll uncover the truth about our Creator God! There’s a sea of confusion about who God is and what he’s like, so we’ll track down the one true God and learn how amazing he is through the pages of Scripture.
Mystery Island VBS is packed with teaching that connects the Bible to the real world and gives kids a better understanding of our awe-inspiring Creator and the salvation he offers through Jesus Christ.
Each day, kids will learn more about one of God’s amazing attributes (great, almighty, ruler, Emmanuel, trustworthy) and how that applies to their lives.
Grab your sunscreen and get ready for a taste of paradise as you track down the one true God at Mystery Island!
You may register when you arrive for VBS.